Include The Youth Cafe In Your Will

One of the most powerful ways you can empower youths from underserved and marginalized communities in Africa is by including The Youth Cafe as a beneficiary in your will. Your legacy gift connects your life story with our work for years to come — and with the lives of the millions of young people, we reach.

Everyone who establishes a legacy gift is invited to join the Youth Cafe Legacy Family. It’s our way of appreciating your generosity to sustain our work in empowering youths in Africa. As a member of the Legacy Family, you’ll receive exclusive updates about our work and invitations to special events where you can learn more about the impact you’re making around the world.

And please let us know if you do! We’d love to recognize you for your generosity and welcome you into the Legacy Family.

If you have additional questions about how to create a will and include The Youth Cafe as a beneficiary

How to create a will and include The Youth Cafe as a beneficiary

Creating a will and designating The Youth Cafe as a beneficiary is not as complicated as you might think. Here we answer some of the most common questions you might have as you begin to think about creating a will.

How do I create a will?

A will is an important planning tool and can be a useful document regardless of estate size. By creating a will, you are ensuring that your assets are distributed according to your wishes, sparing your loved ones the stress of making decisions on your behalf.

Depending on the complexity of your estate, hiring an estate lawyer is important. This is not a requirement for creating a valid will—although you may wish to do so. It is important to consult with an attorney to ensure that your wishes are properly documented and that your estate plan complies with relevant laws and regulations. And if your circumstances or wishes change after you've completed your estate plans, you can update your will at any time.

What is a bequest?

A bequest is simply the legal term for designating a gift through your will or trust and it’s one of the easiest ways to support The Youth cafe. When you are ready to think about your estate plans, designating a charitable organization as a beneficiary in your will is very straightforward. In most cases, it only takes one sentence and you always have the flexibility to change your will in the event that your life circumstances change

There are different ways that bequests operate: 

To make a bequest to The Youth Cafe, one will need to leave instructions, typically in a will. Other documents, such as beneficiary designations and revocable living trusts, may also be part of how one’s estate is bequeathed. 

For a property to be passed on after one passes away and bequests made, the will must first be “probated” or legally validated. If one has no will to specify their instructions, the law will dictate where their property passes. Generally, this would be first to a surviving spouse, then to their children and other families in accordance with the law. 

If one does not leave a will and doesn't have any living relatives, their estate, could go to the state. 

Types of bequests There are four types of bequests:

a) General bequests are gifts of property taken from an estate’s general assets. 

b) Demonstrative bequests are gifts that come from an explicit source (such as a particular bank account). 

c) Specific bequests are gifts of property, like a painting, jewelry, car, or cash 

d) Residuary gifts are gifts made after all of the debts and expenses are paid, and other bequests are made. These are typically a percentage of the remainder; in some cases a share.

How do I get started?

Still, have questions? Please don’t hesitate to our legal team(provide a link of their contact)