Theory of Change

The Youth Cafe seeks to implement a new model of change that reframes the power relations in favour of young people to be active role players that lead transformational change and sustainable impact. In our Theory of Change, we use techniques that match our tolerance for "planning" vs "doing."

An image of youth cafe developing a theory of change

We Believe In Youthful Audacity!

At The Youth Cafe, we have worked to develop a Theory of Change, a roadmap that depicts and reflects young people’s views of how change occurs. It is our Pathway For  Action, Sustainability, Results, Learning, And Adaptation! 

The Youth Cafe believes in shifting the power dynamic to enable the young people we work with to lead the process of change and take ownership of the outcomes. This shift in the relationship dynamic is essential for real youth empowerment and sustainability.

An image of youth cafe igniting self belief


The ultimate objective of the new change model is to augment agency and inspire individuals to take ownership of the process of finding solutions to problems in their community.

The Youth Cafe’s For Youth By Youth

Development Model

Traditional Model

  • Social change is an outcome that originates outside the boundaries of the youth community

  • Relationship dynamic shifts power and agency away from YSO/YLO to charitable/adult-led organisations.

  • The charitable/adult-led organisation takes the lead and ownership of community initiatives and acts on behalf of youth-led organisations or initiatives.

  • Lack of ownership of initiatives and poor sustainability of outcomes.

  • The predominant focus on measurable outputs compared to other qualitative metrics

The Youth Cafe Model

  • The youth has the vision and capacity to originate and lead social change. Storytelling is integral to this process.

  • The youth is empowered to unlock its agency and resourcefulness to lead change.

  • Young people design and lead social change programmes with the support of charitable organisations.

  • Young people take ownership and provide ongoing buy-in of initiatives to augment sustainability.

  • Balanced focus on a multifaceted metrics portfolio that includes quantitative and qualitative measures.

An image of  happy children

Our PhilosophY

The Youth Cafe’s philosophy provides the necessary sign-posts for the consistent implementation of the mandate and the approach that is used to structure youth based initiatives.

01. Multi-level approach

All programmes and initiatives will adhere to the requirement to connect both individual youth and community elements. This is essential to drive a principled approach that simultaneously galvanises youth ownership and builds resilient and sustainable communities.

02. Human-centric approach

Ultimately, The Youth Cafe believes that an enduring attribute of its work should be an approach that integrates the different aspects of the process value chain, e.g. partners, beneficiaries, communities, etc. to support programme delivery.

03. Integrative approach

This ethos will define all programmes so that these programmes prioritise unleashing the positive energy and creativity of individuals, who in turn contribute to their communities. This is also part of the fundamental rationale for the focus on story-telling to unleash youth potential.