
Work experience related to future careers, implemented practically through companies and organizations. Internships offer work experience in management strategies (such as overseas corporate expansion), as well as participation and exchange of views in all kinds of meetings and seminars in order to build cooperative relationships and networks of related companies and organizations, promote understanding of commercial practices between the two countries, and make presentations for promoting internationalization of Africa-based companies, etc.
Placements that aim at only acquisition of knowledge through lectures or classroom exercises, placements that are indistinguishable from basic labor due to repetition of simple tasks, and placements where relationships of subordination between intern and host company are recognized to exist are not considered to be internships.

Host company

Companies in Africa that wish to accept interns, and that have been approved by the Screening Committee following matching of interns.


Highly-skilled young professionals in Africa or other developing countries (OECD/DAC-listed countries) who have been approved by the Screening Committee through documentary review, interviews, and matching with host company.

Screening Committee

This committee is entrusted by The Youth Cafe, composed of external academic expert and expert from several industrial area. It also consult with The Youth Cafe to set up screening and selection criteria, and to approve the matching result in response to result selected by The Youth Cafe Internship Program office.