Grant Making Criteria

1. Focus on youth empowerment: We give priority to Projects and initiatives that are aimed at empowering youths to take control of their lives, make informed decisions and develop their skills and capacities.

2. Youth-led: We consider projects that are youth lead thus ensuring their active involvement in the planning, implementation, and decision-making processes.

3. Innovative and creative approaches: We encourage Projects that demonstrate innovative and creative approaches to address challenges or bring about positive change.

4. Impact and sustainability- Assessing the Potential impacts of the project on youths In the African continents.

5 Community Impact: We assess the potential Positive impact of the project on the local community or the youths involved.

6. The primary criteria for grant-making in our organizational youth empowerment fund is to support initiatives that directly empower and uplift young people.

7. We prioritize projects that foster skill development and provide opportunities for educational advancement among youth.

8. Grant applications that demonstrate a clear and measurable impact on youth empowerment will receive strong consideration.

9. We are particularly interested in initiatives that address social and economic disparities faced by marginalized youth populations. Projects that encourage youth participation and leadership, promoting their active involvement in decision-making processes, will be given priority.

10. Our fund seeks to support innovative and sustainable youth empowerment programs that can be scaled up and replicated in different communities.

11. We value partnerships and collaborations with other organisations and will look favourably upon grant proposals that demonstrate strong partnerships.

12. Priority will be given to projects that demonstrate a commitment to diversity, inclusion, and equitable access for all youth, regardless of their backgrounds.

13. Sustainability is a key criterion for our fund. Projects that outline plans for long-term impact and self-sufficiency on the African youth will be highly regarded.