Africa Youth Podcast

Business Fight Poverty: Antony Karanja from The Youth Café in conversation with Katie Hyson

Business Fight  Poverty: Antony Karanja from The Youth Café in conversation with Katie Hyson

🔊 LISTEN: Antony Karanja from The Youth Café in conversation with Katie Hyson from Business Fights Poverty about his ambitions to connect young people to positive futures. From tackling poverty and inequality to accessing education and building resilience. Tune in to learn more about the emerging trends of poverty in Africa and how The Youth Café devises strategies like our Theory of Change to help curb the issues of poverty and empower youth in Africa.

#podcast #youthempowerment #youth #youngpeople #africa #fightpoverty #inequality

International Youth Day Debate | Let's Talk Youth Engagement

International Youth Day Debate | Let's Talk Youth Engagement

The theme of International Youth Day 2020, "Youth Engagement for Global Action" seeks to highlight how the engagement of youths at the local, national and global levels is enriching national and multilateral institutions and how their representation and engagement in formal institutional politics can significantly be enhanced.

Welcome !

an image of the youth cafe podcast

Hello there! Welcome to The Youth Cafe Podcast! We are a diverse global bridge builder for the youth by the youth. Our vision is to work towards an equitable and fair society, where every young individual can enjoy their social, economic, and political rights.

Our priorities in doing so include: culture arts and sports, governance and political inclusion, peace and security, education and skill , environmental preservation and climate change, business and entrepreneurship and universal health coverage reform.

Join us here where we will discuss the latest topics and trends that affect and concern the youth.

You can also connect with us on our social platforms linked below and don’t forget to spread the voice! We (the youth) are the ones able to change today’s reality and shape tomorrow’s! We need you!


Want to partner or take part in the Podcast? Fill the form below!