The Second Progress Report on SDGS Implemantation in Kenya | Civil Society Report 2019 | The Youth Cafe


The second progress report on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) implementation Kenya Civil Society Organisation (CSO) report 2019 is part of the Voluntary National Review (VNR) that countries committed to during the adoption of the Agenda 2030. The report aims to help Kenya track its progress in achieving Agenda 2030, promote accountability and exchange best practices.

A Canadian Council for International Co-operation (CCIC) report that assessed the VNR reports of 2017 from around the world found that CSOs were not documenting their contribution. Nor was leaving no one behind treated as a standalone chapter to describe who is being left behind. This year’s Kenya CSO submission on the progress of SDG implementation has taken these identified gaps into consideration.

This year, apart from monitoring progress, CSOs showcase their contribution towards the implementation of SDGs. These contributions are highlighted in this report under respective targets or indicators. The report not only reveals challenges of implementation of the respective SDGs, but also best practices and lessons learnt to allow mutual learning across those goals for implementing institutions. Leaving no one behind is reported as a separate section under each SDG to show who is further behind.

This year’s CSO submission reports on SDGs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 13, 15, 16 and 17 and sets out progress for this year’s CSO submission under thematic areas of situational analysis/context, the enabling environment that CSOs operate in, best practice for implementing respective SDGs, and challenges. The report also contains recommendations under each SDG to strengthen accountability and implementation.

About the SDG Forum

The SDGs Kenya Forum (the Forum) is a voluntary membership and loose coalitionof organisations that champions for the implementation of the SDGs in the country. It brings together an array of organisations drawn mainly from the local civil society but also includes others representing the private sector, academia and international NGOs with operations in Kenya.