Fighting Covid-19

Global Youth Vaccine Confidence Report 2021

Global Youth Vaccine Confidence Report 2021

While youth confidence in vaccine development against COVID-19 varies across countries with different income-levels, the general trend in the global sample of youth indicated high levels of confidence, with only 8% of youth expressing disagreement with the statement that they are confident in sanitary measures to respond, manage and address the COVID-19 pandemic.

Covid-19 Youth Platform

Covid-19 Youth Platform

The youth Cafe has partnered with United Nations Major Group for Children and Youth to create a platform that aims to give visibility to youth initiatives responding to COVID-19 and to the health, social, and economic consequences of the pandemic. To be part of the initiative one must be youth-led, with at least half the leadership positions being held by people who are 31 or younger, OR strongly youth or children-focused, with its project focusing on people who are 31 or younger.