Ambassador For Youth

The Youth Café Mandela Washington Fellowship Alumnus Takes Part In The U.S. Department Of State’s Summit For Democracy.

The Youth Café Mandela Washington Fellowship Alumnus Takes Part In The U.S. Department Of State’s Summit For Democracy.

The Youth Cafés Executive Director, Mr. Willice Onyango, as a Kenyan youth representative, attended the Youth Town Hall, moderated by Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield. Mr. Willice asked his question as follows; Today, we find many young people want to engage in politics but are disheartened by the negative image projected by the current political elite and their apparent inability to tackle multiple crises. What do you think about nontraditional paths to political leadership, and how effective are non-formal education approaches in developing democratic attitudes particularly among youth?

Integrity Is Earned, Not Bought, Says One Young Leader In Sierra Leone

Integrity Is Earned, Not Bought, Says One Young Leader In Sierra Leone

Osman’s work advocating on behalf of the underserved in Sierra Leone involved providing legal advice to more than 5,000 people in the state, acting, as he put it, “as an ambassador for youth. To counter this, Osman advises young leaders to consider the common good when making a decision and to take responsibility for their actions. I used to think I could make a change on my own, but if you can identify like minds and come together as a team, you can make a big impact,”