Democratic state

How Does The Youth Café Promote Critical Citizenship Among Youth In Kenya?

How Does The Youth Café Promote Critical Citizenship Among Youth In Kenya?

The Youth Café trains the youth on civic education driven by result-oriented, evidence-based performance, which informs Our Theory of Change: A Pathway for Action, Sustainability, Results, Learning, and Adoption. These changes include institutional changes, service systems, community norms, partnerships, public will, policies, regulations, service practices, business practices, and issue visibility.

The Youth Café Mandela Washington Fellowship Alumnus Takes Part In The U.S. Department Of State’s Summit For Democracy.

The Youth Café Mandela Washington Fellowship Alumnus Takes Part In The U.S. Department Of State’s Summit For Democracy.

The Youth Cafés Executive Director, Mr. Willice Onyango, as a Kenyan youth representative, attended the Youth Town Hall, moderated by Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield. Mr. Willice asked his question as follows; Today, we find many young people want to engage in politics but are disheartened by the negative image projected by the current political elite and their apparent inability to tackle multiple crises. What do you think about nontraditional paths to political leadership, and how effective are non-formal education approaches in developing democratic attitudes particularly among youth?

Is Chinese Owned Media Producing Misinformation Around Covid-19 Narratives In Africa?

Is Chinese Owned Media Producing Misinformation Around Covid-19 Narratives In Africa?

By Sara Kaso

In the last 20 years, China has massively increased its presence in African States on the economic- political field by investing in infrastructure and the logistic system with the purpose of building huge commercial and military poles. Notwithstanding, China has cautiously invested also in state- owned media agencies, TV Channels( CCTV Africa) , Radio ( China Radio International) broadcasting and journals (China daily) in Africa ( Greenslade, 2015).