Servant Leadership

How Does The Youth Café Promote Critical Citizenship Among Youth In Kenya?

How Does The Youth Café Promote Critical Citizenship Among Youth In Kenya?

The Youth Café trains the youth on civic education driven by result-oriented, evidence-based performance, which informs Our Theory of Change: A Pathway for Action, Sustainability, Results, Learning, and Adoption. These changes include institutional changes, service systems, community norms, partnerships, public will, policies, regulations, service practices, business practices, and issue visibility.

Key To Liberian Development? Servant Leaders.

Key To Liberian Development? Servant Leaders.

“Imagine a single child, one of eight, struggling to study,” Abel says. What will his future look like? As the one educated child in my family, I had to be strong, strong enough to face the realities of life. For me, a perfect day growing up was when we had enough food on the table for everyone,” Abel says. “And I would be the one to eat the leftovers.”It wasn’t until protests erupted in June that Abel saw an opportunity to advocate for a more egalitarian state.