Positive Youth Development (PYD)

The Youth Cafés Report Of The 7th Eu-Africa Business Forum 2022.

The Youth Cafés Report Of The 7th Eu-Africa Business Forum 2022.

How Does The Youth Café Promote Critical Citizenship Among Youth In Kenya?

How Does The Youth Café Promote Critical Citizenship Among Youth In Kenya?

The Youth Café trains the youth on civic education driven by result-oriented, evidence-based performance, which informs Our Theory of Change: A Pathway for Action, Sustainability, Results, Learning, and Adoption. These changes include institutional changes, service systems, community norms, partnerships, public will, policies, regulations, service practices, business practices, and issue visibility.

Why Is International Youth Day Important?

Why Is International Youth Day Important?

How do we shift our systems and mechanisms for the opportunity to support youth post-pandemic? There is a lot of collaboration and information sharing among young people and between countries. There is a borderless quality to youth engagement and activity going on right now that is exciting and offers a lot of potentials. Even though we're experiencing a pandemic, there is so much room for youth and PYD, for youth to step up and lead and articulate what kind of future they want. We need to keep this momentum going.