
Excerpt Five From A Recent Interview With University College London | Challenges And Opportunities Within Social Enterprise Ecosystems

Excerpt Five From A Recent Interview With University College London | Challenges And Opportunities Within Social Enterprise Ecosystems

Earlier this year, The Youth Café was interviewed by Eliana Summer-Galai, a Masters student with the Institute of Global Prosperity at University College London (UCL). This interview was to provide insight into her research on the Kenyan Social Enterprise Ecosystem. This is the fifth post of the series on How do you see the challenges and the opportunities within the SEE?

Key To Liberian Development? Servant Leaders.

Key To Liberian Development? Servant Leaders.

“Imagine a single child, one of eight, struggling to study,” Abel says. What will his future look like? As the one educated child in my family, I had to be strong, strong enough to face the realities of life. For me, a perfect day growing up was when we had enough food on the table for everyone,” Abel says. “And I would be the one to eat the leftovers.”It wasn’t until protests erupted in June that Abel saw an opportunity to advocate for a more egalitarian state.

Now Is The Time To Network, Says One Young Leader In Cameroon

Now Is The Time To Network, Says One Young Leader In Cameroon

“I learned over the course of my session, for instance, that a lot of the attendees had never come across a code of ethics in a business context. They also saw networking as collecting business cards, rather than developing personal relationships.”To address this, Javnyuy used his session to teach others about the value of writing a code of ethics and of building meaningful relationships with others, not just to expand their business network but also to create lifelong ties.