Economic Recovery

African Economic Outlook 2021 | A Youth Lens

African Economic Outlook 2021 | A Youth Lens

Every year, the OECD Development Centre, the African Development Bank, the United Nations Development Programme, and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa publish a report that focuses on the economics of most African countries. The report reviews the recent economic situation and predicts the short-term interrelated economic, social, and political evolution of all African economies.

Economic Recovery: Toward A Green, Resilient, And Inclusive Future

Economic Recovery: Toward A Green, Resilient, And Inclusive Future

The world faces major challenges including Covid-19, climate change, rising poverty, inequality and violence in many countries. Inequality is most apparent in the direct effects of COVID that hits informal workers and the vulnerable the most, vaccinations, wealth concentration, unequal impact of the fiscal stimulus, asset purchases and the imbalance in debtor/ creditor relationships particularly for people in the poorest countries. Many developing countries entered the pandemic with unsustainable debt levels but WBG worked to achieve a debt service suspension initiative and increased transparency in debt contracts.