
Administration Costs Research Project | Breaking The Starvation Cycle.

Administration Costs Research Project | Breaking The Starvation Cycle.

The overhead myth that suggests that low overheads in nonprofits are a sign of efficiency has led to many donors underfunding the associated administration costs of their project grants and driven a vicious 'starvation cycle.' Through the Administration Costs Research Project, evidence gathered reveals how international donor funding covers the real administration costs of national NGOs. The Funders for Real Cost, Real Change (FRC), a collaborative of private foundations, commissioned this research and sought recommendations on how funders could provide adequate cost coverage and strengthen their grantees' financial health and resilience.

Report Of The Steering Committee On The Implementation Of The Building Bridges To A United Kenya Taskforce Report

The Steering Committee has undertaken the daunting task of listening keenly to a multiplicity of voices responding to the BBI Taskforce Report. As per its mandate, the Steering Committee has made recommendations on the implementation of the Report, which are structured in the following thematic areas: Constitutional, legislative, policy, and administrative. This report contains the results of a two-year process in which Kenyans from every walk of life, in every County, across Government entities, and with a wide variety of expertise made their views known through the BBI process.