COVID-19 vaccines

Unlocking Finance To Build Forward Better From The Covid-19 Crisis & Accelerate Delivery Of Sustainable Development.

Unlocking Finance To Build Forward Better From The Covid-19 Crisis & Accelerate Delivery Of Sustainable Development.

The African government's economic crisis over the Covid-19 Pandemic equals (1 to 7)% of their GDP, contributed by African Governments deploying fewer funds and measures for high-quality recovery. At The Youth Café, we believe that there is a need for financial education. This will increase unlocking finance to build forward better from COVID-19 and accelerate delivery on Sustainable Development as intended: To identify effective measures to address the overarching challenge of mobilizing adequate and sustainable finance to invest in sustainable recovery from the COVID-19 crisis and accelerate the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and Agenda 2063. To identify and articulate the financing needs and provide high-level insights on opportunities to mobilize finance, focusing on the role of the Liquidity and Sustainability Facility designed and launched by ECA and partners.

COVID-19: Vaccines For Developing Countries

COVID-19: Vaccines For Developing Countries

There are a lot of myths and misconceptions about covid 19 vaccines. If youths are actively involved in the covid 19 vaccine distribution and administration process, they will provide and act as influencers providing relevant information that will debunk these myths and misconceptions thereby promoting youth compliance and acceptance of the vaccine

Why AU Should Push For Equitable Access To COVID-19 Vaccines

Why AU Should Push For Equitable Access To COVID-19 Vaccines

The first initiative is the COVAX Facility, a global initiative that brings together governments and manufacturers to ensure that COVID-19 vaccines reach those in greatest need. This initiative has the potential to benefit African countries if it succeeds in getting sufficient vaccine supplies at affordable prices that minimize debt. The proposed waiver would allow all countries globally to collaborate on the COVID-19 response, including vaccine development and distribution, without being unduly hampered by the complexity of laws and restrictions governing intellectual property.