Socio-economic Development

Statement By African Major Groups And Stakeholders To COP 26/CMP16/CMA3

Statement By African Major Groups And Stakeholders To COP 26/CMP16/CMA3

During the global COP26 conference held in Glasgow from 31 October to 13 November, African Major Groups And Stakeholders delivered a statement voicing their support, doubts, concerns and hopes for the future of climate action in Africa and Globally. The Youth Café as a pan-African youth-led and youth-serving organization, fully support the contents of this statement.

End Of Mandate Reflections | Africa Union Youth Envoy

End Of Mandate Reflections  | Africa Union Youth Envoy

It has been an honor to serve Africa’s youth as the first African Union Special Envoy on Youth for the past two years and to engage thousands of youth from around the continent and the diaspora, visit countless cities and communities to learn from brave and passionate young people, listen to their stories of agency and hope and explore how the AU can better support their crucial work. These are young people that I shared a cup of tea with at the many youth engagements, we cried together at the struggles we went through, we laughed and danced together, we shaped the Office of the Youth Envoy (OYE) into what it has become today, by “Shaking Things Up”.