international community



Modern slavery is a highly gendered issue. Globally, women and girls face reduced access to quality education, decent work, and financial independence, creating heightened vulnerabilities to trafficking, forced labour, and other forms of modern slavery.

Statement By African Major Groups And Stakeholders To COP 26/CMP16/CMA3

Statement By African Major Groups And Stakeholders To COP 26/CMP16/CMA3

During the global COP26 conference held in Glasgow from 31 October to 13 November, African Major Groups And Stakeholders delivered a statement voicing their support, doubts, concerns and hopes for the future of climate action in Africa and Globally. The Youth Café as a pan-African youth-led and youth-serving organization, fully support the contents of this statement.

International Day Of Peace Article Series

International Day Of Peace Article Series

This year’s commemoration of Peace Day is special as the universe is grappling with a common enemy: the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic has caused a switch in the manner in which the globe operates as it has shown the world that we are not really not each other’s enemies, and we must unite to battle against the common enemy that is the global pandemic. The theme for this year’s Peace Day is ‘Shaping Peace Together’ and the UN invited the world to spread compassion, kindness, and hope in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic.