Intergenerational Dialogue

The Youth Café In A Mobile Clinics Meeting At The Border Police Unit Headquarters.

The Youth Café In A Mobile Clinics Meeting At The Border Police Unit Headquarters.

On Tuesday the 11th of January 2022, The Youth Café members were thrilled to be part of another pre-mobile clinic meeting held at the Border Police Unit headquarters in Kanyonyoo, Kitui County. The US Army officials are initiating the mobile clinic project at the Border Police Unit headquarters to promote the Border Police Unit and the work they do for the communities around for better relations and collaborations between the police officers and members of the community.

Silencing The Guns | Create A Conducive Environment For Development | The Youth Cafe

Silencing The Guns | Create A Conducive Environment For Development | The Youth Cafe

Silencing the Guns: Creating Conducive Conditions for Africa's Development and Intensifying the Fight against the COVID-19 Pandemic was the theme for Africa Day by AU. The AU Office of the Youth Envoy, in partnership with the Office of the Special Adviser on Africa to the United Nations for an Africa Day celebration held a special virtual Intergenerational Dialogue on Youth Silencing The Guns.