refugee crisis

Silencing The Guns | Create A Conducive Environment For Development | The Youth Cafe

Silencing The Guns | Create A Conducive Environment For Development | The Youth Cafe

Silencing the Guns: Creating Conducive Conditions for Africa's Development and Intensifying the Fight against the COVID-19 Pandemic was the theme for Africa Day by AU. The AU Office of the Youth Envoy, in partnership with the Office of the Special Adviser on Africa to the United Nations for an Africa Day celebration held a special virtual Intergenerational Dialogue on Youth Silencing The Guns.

What We Learnt From The First 75 UN 75 Youth Townhall | The Youth Cafe

What We Learnt From The First 75 UN 75 Youth Townhall | The Youth Cafe

The United Nations will mark 75 years of existence this year. To celebrate this anniversary, the UN has continued to stimulate conversations around the role of global cooperation and the UN that we want. The World is in the middle of a huge pandemic which has affected our normal as we know it. Due to this pandemic, major activities have been halted and this has affected major UN meetings with regard to the UN75declaration. Under the able leadership of António Guterres secretary general UN, the conversation around this declaration has continued online.