social protection systems

Collaborative Futures Workshop | How New Technologies Can Support Social Justice Organizations In East Africa.

Collaborative Futures Workshop | How New Technologies Can Support Social Justice Organizations In East Africa.

The Youth Café was invited for a 3-day Collaborative Futures Workshop, which is a hybrid hackathon and fellowship designed to help you, and fellow social justice organizations and leaders envision ways that emerging creative technology can expand your impact, understand how new technologies will shape your work and how we can change these technologies, and learn how to act on this knowledge in partnership with East Africa's boldest creatives and technologists using a Do It Yourself (DIY) ethos and active collaboration.

What We Learnt From The First 75 UN 75 Youth Townhall | The Youth Cafe

What We Learnt From The First 75 UN 75 Youth Townhall | The Youth Cafe

The United Nations will mark 75 years of existence this year. To celebrate this anniversary, the UN has continued to stimulate conversations around the role of global cooperation and the UN that we want. The World is in the middle of a huge pandemic which has affected our normal as we know it. Due to this pandemic, major activities have been halted and this has affected major UN meetings with regard to the UN75declaration. Under the able leadership of António Guterres secretary general UN, the conversation around this declaration has continued online.