global crisis

Buddies Without Borders | Amplifying Cultures And Promoting Diversity.

Buddies Without Borders | Amplifying Cultures And Promoting Diversity.

Working towards achieving this vision, The Youth Café, in partnership with Indonesian Youth Foundation, is organizing a youth virtual cultural exchange intended to be an event where Kenyan and Indonesian youth between the ages of 16 and 35 engage and network and build linkages. The workshop will open up the world to the wide diversity and richness of Indonesian and Kenyan culture, a fascinating tale of two countries waiting to happen. Kenyan and Indonesian youth will be able to showcase their talents and the rich diversity of their cultures in food, language, traditions, and fashion.

Collaborative Futures Workshop | How New Technologies Can Support Social Justice Organizations In East Africa.

Collaborative Futures Workshop | How New Technologies Can Support Social Justice Organizations In East Africa.

The Youth Café was invited for a 3-day Collaborative Futures Workshop, which is a hybrid hackathon and fellowship designed to help you, and fellow social justice organizations and leaders envision ways that emerging creative technology can expand your impact, understand how new technologies will shape your work and how we can change these technologies, and learn how to act on this knowledge in partnership with East Africa's boldest creatives and technologists using a Do It Yourself (DIY) ethos and active collaboration.

Lockdown Live! | Finding Youth-Led Solutions To COVID-19 | The Youth Cafe

Lockdown Live! | Finding Youth-Led Solutions To COVID-19 | The Youth Cafe

A new series of events aimed at bringing together students situated on two different continents is set to begin next month, with the aim of discussing the current Covid-19 global crisis.

COVID-19: Working With And For Young People | The Youth Cafe

COVID-19:  Working  With And  For Young  People | The Youth Cafe

This guidance note is meant to assist humanitarian actors, youth-led organizations, and young people themselves across sectors, working at local, country, regional, and global levels in their response to the novel coronavirus pandemic.

UNCTAD EWeek 2020 | Trade Facilitation And Expedited Shipments | Lessons Learned From The COVID-19 Crisis | The Youth Cafe

 UNCTAD EWeek 2020 | Trade Facilitation And Expedited Shipments | Lessons Learned From The COVID-19 Crisis | The Youth Cafe

The COVID-19 global pandemic is pushing the world to a new paradigm, teaching us what is really crucial for our societies to continue operating. Emergency supplies are sent across the globe to assist combatting the crisis, often as express cargo. These unprecedented circumstances are also leading millions of companies and people to trade and buy online, many for the first time: an experience that might ultimately convert them into regular online traders and shoppers.

Virtual Youth Dialogue With Ms. Inger Andersen, Executive Director Of UN Environment Program | The Youth Cafe

Virtual Youth Dialogue With Ms. Inger Andersen, Executive Director Of UN Environment Program | The Youth Cafe

Utilizing the mobilisation inspired by the 50th Earth DayThe Youth Cafe and its partners are convening a Virtual Youth Dialogue with UNEP ED Inger Andersen with intention of providing young people the opportunity to hear from Ms. Andersen and most importantly share their concerns, challenges and also suggestions on how UN Environment can further support youth movements and respond to their needs in these times. Overall, this youth dialogue will also serve as a learning opportunity for youth groups across the world, and comes at a time where motivation is much needed.