Designing Out Single-Use Plastics: From Waste and Pollution To A Circular Economy | The Youth Cafe

Designing Out Single-Use Plastics: From Waste and Pollution To A Circular Economy | The Youth Cafe

Not a single corner of the globe is free from pollution caused by microplastics, beaches and waterfronts are littered, islands of plastics float in the ocean, and people are taking notice. Yet, the global pandemic is causing a spike in the consumption of single use sanitary products, such as masks and gloves - along with an increase in less necessary single-use plastic bags and take-out containers.

Youth, Information And Covid-19 | The Role Of Media And Information Literacy | The Youth Cafe

Youth, Information And Covid-19  | The Role Of Media And Information Literacy | The Youth Cafe

During these uncertain times of the COVID-19, Information pauses to be a vital factor on the possibilities of conquering the global pandemic. Nonetheless, the fate of the pandemic does not solely lie on access to information in the world, but whether we can understand the information in the languages we speak, read and write.

Let's Strategize On A Sustainability Shift, Says Inger Andersen | Virtual Youth Townhall With UNEP Executive Director | The Youth Cafe

Let's Strategize On A Sustainability Shift, Says Inger Andersen | Virtual Youth Townhall With UNEP Executive Director | The Youth Cafe

“COVID-19 was not necessarily caused by climate change, but chances of future occurrences however are at high stakes. Can there be future zoonotic related viruses? What happens when the permafrost melts? What happens in the case of increased forest degradation where animas are forced to live in closer proximity? It is all possible. Let’s all look into the horizon and strategize on a global sustainability shift.” Says Inger Andersen, Executive Director of UNEP.

Virtual Youth Dialogue With Ms. Inger Andersen, Executive Director Of UN Environment Program | The Youth Cafe

Virtual Youth Dialogue With Ms. Inger Andersen, Executive Director Of UN Environment Program | The Youth Cafe

Utilizing the mobilisation inspired by the 50th Earth DayThe Youth Cafe and its partners are convening a Virtual Youth Dialogue with UNEP ED Inger Andersen with intention of providing young people the opportunity to hear from Ms. Andersen and most importantly share their concerns, challenges and also suggestions on how UN Environment can further support youth movements and respond to their needs in these times. Overall, this youth dialogue will also serve as a learning opportunity for youth groups across the world, and comes at a time where motivation is much needed.