Youth Dialogue

Sharing Lessons In Youth Collaboration At The 2063 Academy Youth Dialogue

Sharing Lessons In Youth Collaboration At The 2063 Academy Youth Dialogue

The Youth Café is excited to announce that we will be speaking at The 2063 Academy Youth Dialogue. In collaboration with NEPAD Planning and Coordinating Agency, i4Policy, Facebook and Maghreb Economic Forum, the 3rd edition of the 2063 Academy will take place from 13 to 17 September 2021.

Our Communications lead, Malika Pyarali will be speaking during the Inspiring Talk & Fireside Chat "Youth collaboration: The Youth Café in Kenya" on the 17th of September at 2pm Nairobi time.

Let's Strategize On A Sustainability Shift, Says Inger Andersen | Virtual Youth Townhall With UNEP Executive Director | The Youth Cafe

Let's Strategize On A Sustainability Shift, Says Inger Andersen | Virtual Youth Townhall With UNEP Executive Director | The Youth Cafe

“COVID-19 was not necessarily caused by climate change, but chances of future occurrences however are at high stakes. Can there be future zoonotic related viruses? What happens when the permafrost melts? What happens in the case of increased forest degradation where animas are forced to live in closer proximity? It is all possible. Let’s all look into the horizon and strategize on a global sustainability shift.” Says Inger Andersen, Executive Director of UNEP.