Youth Townhall

The Youth Café In A Mobile Clinics Meeting At The Border Police Unit Headquarters.

The Youth Café In A Mobile Clinics Meeting At The Border Police Unit Headquarters.

On Tuesday the 11th of January 2022, The Youth Café members were thrilled to be part of another pre-mobile clinic meeting held at the Border Police Unit headquarters in Kanyonyoo, Kitui County. The US Army officials are initiating the mobile clinic project at the Border Police Unit headquarters to promote the Border Police Unit and the work they do for the communities around for better relations and collaborations between the police officers and members of the community.

What We Learnt From The First 75 UN 75 Youth Townhall | The Youth Cafe

What We Learnt From The First 75 UN 75 Youth Townhall | The Youth Cafe

The United Nations will mark 75 years of existence this year. To celebrate this anniversary, the UN has continued to stimulate conversations around the role of global cooperation and the UN that we want. The World is in the middle of a huge pandemic which has affected our normal as we know it. Due to this pandemic, major activities have been halted and this has affected major UN meetings with regard to the UN75declaration. Under the able leadership of António Guterres secretary general UN, the conversation around this declaration has continued online.

Let's Strategize On A Sustainability Shift, Says Inger Andersen | Virtual Youth Townhall With UNEP Executive Director | The Youth Cafe

Let's Strategize On A Sustainability Shift, Says Inger Andersen | Virtual Youth Townhall With UNEP Executive Director | The Youth Cafe

“COVID-19 was not necessarily caused by climate change, but chances of future occurrences however are at high stakes. Can there be future zoonotic related viruses? What happens when the permafrost melts? What happens in the case of increased forest degradation where animas are forced to live in closer proximity? It is all possible. Let’s all look into the horizon and strategize on a global sustainability shift.” Says Inger Andersen, Executive Director of UNEP.