Social protection

Collaborative Futures Workshop | How New Technologies Can Support Social Justice Organizations In East Africa.

Collaborative Futures Workshop | How New Technologies Can Support Social Justice Organizations In East Africa.

The Youth Café was invited for a 3-day Collaborative Futures Workshop, which is a hybrid hackathon and fellowship designed to help you, and fellow social justice organizations and leaders envision ways that emerging creative technology can expand your impact, understand how new technologies will shape your work and how we can change these technologies, and learn how to act on this knowledge in partnership with East Africa's boldest creatives and technologists using a Do It Yourself (DIY) ethos and active collaboration.

Kenyan Youth Innovations To The Informal Housing Challenge.

Kenyan Youth Innovations To The Informal Housing Challenge.

In many developing countries, informal settlements are a widespread occurrence. "Informal settlement" is sometimes misinterpreted as a shorthand for urban poverty and misery, overcrowding, and exposure to environmental dangers. This may be influenced by the fact that informal settlements lack essential infrastructural services and facilities and have a high concentration of difficulties to cities' social and political fabric.

Go Youth! Global Open Call on Youth Voices | Calling On Youth-Led Ideas And Innovations!

Go Youth! Global Open Call on Youth Voices | Calling On Youth-Led Ideas And Innovations!

The open call has global prizes. Selected finalists will receive seed funding (quantum subject to the needs of each project) to pilot their innovations in their communities, as well as research mentorship to help monitor and evaluate their projects, write research manuscripts, and disseminate their findings to a wider audience. Finalists will also be given the opportunity to have their projects recognized at international conferences and ceremonies.

Accountability And Transparency In COVID-19 Response Measures | A Call To Action!

Accountability And Transparency In COVID-19 Response Measures | A Call To Action!

The continued lack of transparency and accountability by the Ministry of Health and other government agencies charged with managing public resources during this crisis has led to reported cases of embezzlement of commodities including donated Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs) and misappropriation of public funds meant to procure PPEs and support social protection programmes.