entrepreneurship and capacity development for African youth

Go Youth! Global Open Call on Youth Voices | Calling On Youth-Led Ideas And Innovations!

Go Youth! Global Open Call on Youth Voices | Calling On Youth-Led Ideas And Innovations!

The open call has global prizes. Selected finalists will receive seed funding (quantum subject to the needs of each project) to pilot their innovations in their communities, as well as research mentorship to help monitor and evaluate their projects, write research manuscripts, and disseminate their findings to a wider audience. Finalists will also be given the opportunity to have their projects recognized at international conferences and ceremonies.

Advancing Jobs, Entrepreneurship, And Capacity Development For African Youth | The Youth Cafe

Advancing Jobs, Entrepreneurship, And Capacity Development For African Youth | The Youth Cafe

There is no greater asset to Africa than its youth,” a statement that has been repeatedly proclaimed, but the continent still has a long way to go. Despite robust economic growth over the past two decades, a 1 percent increase in growth between 2000–14 was associated with only 0.41 percent growth in employment. This figure suggests that employment stood at less than 1.8 percent a year, far below the nearly 3 percent annual growth in the labor force. If this trend continues, 100 million people will join the multitudes of the unemployed in Africa by 2030.