open call

Announcing An Open Call On Community Engagement In Data Science Research In Africa

The open call is being organized by the REDSSA (Research for Ethical Data Science in sub-Saharan Africa) group, with the goal to identify stakeholder-driven ways to increase community engagement on data science in health research in Africa. The organizers are seeking creative ideas for how to raise awareness among communities that sensitive individual health and location information is being collected and shared as part of large, anonymized data sets for research.

Designathon Open Call New Extended Deadline of March 7, 2023

Designathon Open Call New Extended Deadline of March 7, 2023

A designathon (aka hackathon, sprint collaboration, intensive workshop) is a three-stage activity that includes an open call for ideas and participants, an intensive period of collaborative work, and follow-up activities. The purpose of this open call is to gather practices and practical tips related to designathons for health in order to inform the development of a global SIHI/TDR consensus statement on organizing health designathons. Our team are organizing this call for descriptions of how people have organized their designathons. 

Designathon Open Call

Designathon Open Call

Have you organized a designathon, hackathon, or similar process focused on health? Our open call to gather practices and practical strategies for health designathons is now open!

The Social Entrepreneurship to Spur Health (SESH) team, the Social Innovation in Health Initiative (SIHI), and the Ending HIV Transmission by Optimizing PrEP in East Asia (HOPE) consortium are organizing this call for descriptions of how people have organized their designathons. 

Go Youth! Global Open Call on Youth Voices | Calling On Youth-Led Ideas And Innovations!

Go Youth! Global Open Call on Youth Voices | Calling On Youth-Led Ideas And Innovations!

The open call has global prizes. Selected finalists will receive seed funding (quantum subject to the needs of each project) to pilot their innovations in their communities, as well as research mentorship to help monitor and evaluate their projects, write research manuscripts, and disseminate their findings to a wider audience. Finalists will also be given the opportunity to have their projects recognized at international conferences and ceremonies.