
Buddies Without Borders | Amplifying Cultures And Promoting Diversity.

Buddies Without Borders | Amplifying Cultures And Promoting Diversity.

Working towards achieving this vision, The Youth Café, in partnership with Indonesian Youth Foundation, is organizing a youth virtual cultural exchange intended to be an event where Kenyan and Indonesian youth between the ages of 16 and 35 engage and network and build linkages. The workshop will open up the world to the wide diversity and richness of Indonesian and Kenyan culture, a fascinating tale of two countries waiting to happen. Kenyan and Indonesian youth will be able to showcase their talents and the rich diversity of their cultures in food, language, traditions, and fashion.

Digital Media Literacy Focus Group Discussions

Digital Media Literacy Focus Group Discussions

Collecting in-depth qualitative data to get insightful perspectives and understanding digital media literacy in Kenya. Media literacy is a tool to prepare future generations to combat the rising tide of information warfare. A thorough fact-checking process that delineates disinformation, misinformation and teaches to differentiate between clickbait, satire, pseudoscience, conspiracy theories, and other content on the internet is necessary.