Youth Health

The Youth Café Endorses The One Campaign Open Letter For African And European Leaders.

The Youth Café Endorses The One Campaign Open Letter For African And European Leaders.

At The Youth Café, we believe that the youth are a tremendous and an essential asset worth investing in, consequently, we would like to reiterate The One Campaign's calls upon you to ensure that the voices of the youth are heard and their pleas acted upon. This realization is what has inspired the call by The One Campaign asking you to continue fostering relations between our two continents, in tackling the everyday challenges facing our youth.

Global Stakeholders’ Consultation | The Lifecycle Of Plastics And Human Rights

Global Stakeholders’ Consultation | The Lifecycle Of Plastics And Human Rights

In many countries, youth and vulnerable groups increasingly join the informal waste sector in search of a living. Informal waste reclaiming and treatment can empower marginalized communities, giving them social and working dignity. However, informal waste workers are often unskilled, untrained and perform scavenging and waste picking operations in unsafe and unhygienic conditions. Lack of personal protective equipment, such as gloves, glasses, and masks, exposes them to contamination from hazardous materials and accidental wounds caused by improper management on a daily basis.

Global Youth Vaccine Confidence Report 2021

Global Youth Vaccine Confidence Report 2021

While youth confidence in vaccine development against COVID-19 varies across countries with different income-levels, the general trend in the global sample of youth indicated high levels of confidence, with only 8% of youth expressing disagreement with the statement that they are confident in sanitary measures to respond, manage and address the COVID-19 pandemic.

COVID-19 And The Youth Policy Report

COVID-19 And The Youth Policy Report

In increasing numbers, young people are proactively combating the spread of the virus and working to mitigate and address the pandemic’s impacts. This report highlights young people’s actions to help curb the spread of the Corona virus, the impact of the pandemic on young people and considerations to take into account when engaging with young people during and after the pandemic.

UK Aid | Education And Voluntary Family Planning

UK Aid | Education And Voluntary Family Planning

UK aid to aim is to help 5,000 young Kenyan girls who have dropped out of school due to early marriage, motherhood and gender-based violence get back into education. The UK will also improve affordability and accessibility to voluntary family planning and vocational skills training for millions across Africa. This will save girls’ lives and allow young people to plan their families, stay in education and get better jobs to support Africa’s future prosperity.